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The mobile site functionality is too small for phones to be efficient. When will there be a mobile app that is more phone-friendly?
Status changed to: Closed
Status changed to: Live
Awesome idea. Extremely beneficial
we need to add GPS to the app when created so that we can search "Nearby" and pull a list of jobs nearby our location.
Hi Samuel, Thanks so much for this suggestion. We'll investigate. In the meantime, we're working on an enhancement that allows you to search all the projects within a specific zip code in advanced search. We'll keep you updated!
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Status changed to: Closed
Erick Vargas
Status changed to: Live
Antonio Torres
Awesome idea. Extremely beneficial
Samuel Imbriaco
we need to add GPS to the app when created so that we can search "Nearby" and pull a list of jobs nearby our location.
Brittnee Lynch
Hi Samuel,
Thanks so much for this suggestion. We'll investigate. In the meantime, we're working on an enhancement that allows you to search all the projects within a specific zip code in advanced search. We'll keep you updated!