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We should be able to see the address and contact info on whichever calendar integration we use. Instead it only offers project...
In the projects in the company information section- if we could bring in our custom company information fields that would be...
Can we have the companies and projects auto save when we enter information?
Suggest Adding Customer Name to Executive Overview Report so we can sort by customer. Right now report just has description...
Notifications should only be cleared if they are individually selected. The notifications orange alert clears after clicking...
Please add the date and time on the notes on the app. You must be on computer to see the date and time on the notes. TY
It would be great for Admins to be able to see the total licenses purchased and how many have been assigned. Something similar...
The proposal name is currently not editable and is automatically named after the title of the project. It would be beneficial...
The Gross Margin% should auto calculate to inhibit people making up their own GM% as well as errors in calculating it. This...
Bid Due terminology doesn't make sense for our quotes. This only confuses our clients.