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We would like the option to set not only first contact to email in automations, but second contact, third contact, etc. as...
I have our system setup where any new projects get two document folder (pictures & plans). It would be great if each of...
When a project activity date is added (or changed), it would be great to be able to update another project activity date based...
Currently the view style for "Documents" on each project is auto-set to the "Cards" layout. - I would like to set my default...
This report nicely groups by month, but the months do not go in order... mine currently runs August, then October, September,...
It seems that with AI funcationality, the plugin for Outlook should automatically log emails related to a contact or project...
Need to be able to impersonate employees like the staff at Followup
We should be able to see the address and contact info on whichever calendar integration we use. Instead it only offers project...
In the projects in the company information section- if we could bring in our custom company information fields that would be...
Can we have the companies and projects auto save when we enter information?